Freelance Graphic Designer from Edinburgh
 Branding, packaging and art direction for Edinburgh coffee roasters,  Mutual .


Branding and packaging for Edinburgh coffee roasters, Mutual. Design by Tyrone Stoddart, graphic designer based in Edinburgh.

 Branding, packaging and art direction for Edinburgh coffee roasters,  Mutual .

Branding, packaging and art direction for Edinburgh coffee roasters, Mutual.

 "Coffee at its best is a shared experience. With the combined effort and dedication of all those along the line, a fantastic cup of coffee can be something that benefits everyone involved and is a positive force, bringing people together."

"Coffee at its best is a shared experience. With the combined effort and dedication of all those along the line, a fantastic cup of coffee can be something that benefits everyone involved and is a positive force, bringing people together."


 Photography by Sam Christie at  Aw Aye Media

Photography by Sam Christie at Aw Aye Media